Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mothers Day

Mothers Day makes me think of dozens of loving parents we met in Yaounde and Bamenda, Cameroon.  We saw smiles that barely covered the underlying anxiety for a child with disabilities. We saw tender touches against the cheek of a child that no one else seems to care for. Some of those children were young, some were adults. And we saw loving adult children caring for parents.

I share glimpses of these children, mothers, fathers, and grandparents with you, especially if Mothers Day is not what you've always dreamed it might be, perhaps because of loss, disappointment, pain, struggle, fear. . . .  

As you look to your heavenly Father, perhaps you above all others will know how to bless these children and their families through your prayers.

1 comment:

Caryn said...

Amen, Amen, Amen!