Monday, March 2, 2009

How to Pray for Joni Eareckson Tada

(This is the first time I'm posting twice in one day, so don't miss the previous post about Julie Anderson.)

Joni Eareckson Tada is the founder and hub of Joni and Friends. JAF ministers to and with people with disabilities around the world. Many people in many nations, including me, look up to Joni as a hero of the faith. She has been quadriplegic since a diving accident when she was 17 years old and lives and proclaims the sovereignty of God in all things. 

Justin Taylor, a friend of ours, writes today at his blog: "Friends who have seen Joni recently have said that she has been really struggling lately with her health and that she is in need of much prayer. . . . I asked her how readers of this blog could pray for her."

Let this be a reminder to us to pray for Joni, and to let her requests help shape our prayers for others we love who are suffering.

(Pictured with Joni is Judy Butler, her long time associate, whom she mentions in her prayer request list.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aha. I thought it odd that I was awakened during the night with Joni on my mind, rather out of the blue. Now I know why. I will surely pray for her.