Saturday, August 15, 2009

A taste of heaven?

"You may never know how much these days mean to a family whose life is always shaped and stressed by disability." This is a message we volunteers have heard in various forms since the time God led us to be here.

I suppose it shouldn't surprise us that the blessing goes both ways--not just from us, but also to us.

This evening we debriefed at the end of our long, hot, happy afternoon greeting the campers. One volunteers said, "I wonder if that's what heaven will be like, angels gathered and cheering as we arrive."

We pray that these days will be a taste of heaven for the campers (and us). May we remember that every bit of rest, of peace, of burden lifted is a foretaste of the everlasting rest, peace, and rolling away of burden.


Anonymous said...


“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20).


rosemary said...

Ah, tears of anticipation...