Friday, June 19, 2009


Friday, 10:55 pm

Thanks for praying about my speaking time last night. There were about 50 students and young career-type people from lots of nations. I told them the story of Gladys Aylward within the context of Hebrews 13's encouragement toward biography: remember, consider, imitate your leaders who have spoken the word to you -- those who have gone before us in the faith.

I thought it was going well until q&a time when one woman asked unsmilingly: "Why did you choose THIS story? Where's the practical application to my life?" I stammered something, pretty much repeating what I'd already said about us having the same God as Gladys Aylward and that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Well, I THINK it was better for others.

I've posted more pictures:

Be sure to check out my friend Jo's blog. After years here, she continues to enjoy and share the oddities of life in China: . Today's post is about a very-familiar/not-quite-familiar shop sign.

(Sorry you have to copy and paste the links while I'm here. Also, when I get home, I'll post some cool videos I've shot here.)


Anonymous said...

You're a good communicator. Clear and practical.

How many times have I spoken on ten practical ways to know God personally, only to have someone ask at the end, "Could give us some practical ideas about how to know God personally?"

O for wise patience. Could be I misunderstood the question.

Hurry home. We understand you.


rosemary said...

It seems unimaginable that one could hear the story of GA without being stirred in the faith. Dull ears, I should think.

The pics are fascinating. I've never been in China, only stood on the border when it was forbidden to cross over from Tibet. I'm thankful for those who have dedicated their lives to spread the gospel there.

Still praying.